I feel that today, I must write a letter to Comcast.
Dear Comcast,
I love you. You have made my apartment so much more joyful by giving Jeffrey foodnetwork, and the access to the knowledge of the worldwideweb. It has also made Facebooking and blogging much easier for me, and reduced the odd looks that my fellow library goers give me when I yell or laugh. (Ok, I don't really yell, but I wanted you to get the idea of how much your services are appreciated.) We also enjoy on-demand. Who knew a library full of movies could provide so much entertainment? I didn't. You probably did... but it's news to me. So thank you, Comcast. Thank you.
So as you can probably tell, we are well along in the moving, everything is moved out of our storage place, and almost everything is out of the old house. We haven't unpacked yet, mostly due to the heat and our general depression about having to move in the first place, but we have a lofty goal of being moved all together and unpacked sometime this week. And as you can probably tell.... we got cable and internets! Life is very very good. Jeff came over today and we watched some food network... and then we went and moved. Then we came back and scoured online for RSVP's. And then watched more food network. How grand these new-fangled inventions are.
On the wedding front... almost all is done! A few songs saved to a cd, a food trip and some delicious cooking, and a dress fitting, and we will be all done! I'm sure a few details will pop up here and there to be fixed, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! It's almost here! It's a month away! (and I almost passed out after typing that. Insert excited/freaked out scream here.)
I think all this calls for a nap. A day of finalizing and moving has been very stressful. Plus my pillows are serenading me. Goodnight, world.